Chinese Dogwood TF 150 cm
Common Name: Dogwood ‘Chinese Flowering’ tree form
Latin Name: Cornus kousa
Morning Sun, Pt. Shade
Zone: 4
Height: 9 m
Width: 7.75 m
Special Features: Creamy white flower bracts late Spring to early Summer, Edible red berries, Fall colour, Attracts wildlife
This is the hardiest of all Flowering Dogwoods and puts on a show of beautiful white flowers which mature with a blush of pink, late Spring to early Summer. A crop of showy bright red edible fruit, looking like ripe strawberries, adorn the tree late season which are great for jams or jellies, and fresh (pulp is sweet, skin is bitter). Chipmunks and squirrels love the ripe berries. Outstanding Fall colour of reds to burgundy make this tree attractive for all seasons.
Avoid areas with standing water and prefer acidic soil. Best planted in a sheltered location from winter winds. Snipping off old buds on the dogwood tree to promote new growth and flowering can take place during the summer, preferably in June, after flowering, although fewer berries will form. Extensive pruning, if needed, is best done when the tree is dormant.